A prosperous Africa based on an equitable and sustainable development

To Contribute to Africa's inclusive economic growth and sustainable development through influencing policy change on debt management and development finance anchored on rights based approaches

To influence African Governments to institute and implement policies and practices for sustainable development and eradication of poverty
Pan Africanism
We shall continue to promote, encourage and strengthen bonds of solidarity between all indigenous and diaspora ethnic groups of African descent. We are inspired by our common struggles that our continent has been faced with and which can only be overcome by collective action.
We shall set and enforce standards in the work we undertake and we shall be guided by the will to serve the people of Africa.
We shall work in partnership with others to promote an Africa that is free from poverty and where development gains are shared equitably among all.
We believe we have responsibility and obligation to future generation. We therefore pursue a balance between social and economic development and respect for the protection of the environment and culture as a means of reducing causes of vulnerabilities.
We shall conduct ourselves with openness, accountability, sincerity, honesty, truthfulness and completeness, while acting in ways that promote trustworthiness and reliability.