17 July 2021

An interactive and participatory workshop privatisation and public services is being jointly organised by Action Aid-International; AFRODAD); East African Centre for Human Rights (EACHRights) and the Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER). The virtual session is scheduled for August 4th from 9am-12pm GMT.

Privatisation, commercialisation and financialisation are increasing in a range of sectors, from education and health, to water, sanitation and housing. This raises a number of social justice and human rights concerns, such as growing inequalities and segregation, low quality, and the loss of democratic control over areas that are essential for human dignity. In recent years, the negative impacts of privatisation have been exacerbated in the context of the climate and inequalities crises, disproportionately affecting people and groups who have historically been oppressed across intersecting racial, gendered, class, caste, religious and ethnic hierarchies.The COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed and exacerbated existing inequalities and injustices related to privatisation, highlighting the unsustainability of market-driven systems to deliver on human rights and ensure access for all. This is a crucial moment to build public services as part of a just recovery and transition to a more sustainable and resilient economy and society

This workshop will be part of a series of regional workshops to build political momentum and contribute to developing a strong cross-sectoral and cross-regional movement for public services. It will be an occasion for organisations and movements working in Anglophone Africa to come together to share information and political calendars, discuss different strategies, develop a joint understanding, and explore potential actions going forwards. It will also be an opportunity to discuss and contribute to the global collective narrative on public services that is currently being developed.  

This will be a closed event among allies who are committed to responding to the challenges raised by privatisation and to mobilising for the public provision of services to ensure the delivery of economic, social and cultural rights. The event is intended for groups working across various areas (development, human rights, finance, economic justice- including feminist groups, etc. and sectors  such as education, water and health among others.

We hope this workshop will help further catalyse momentum for the recognition of the importance of strong, high-quality and publicly funded public services for the fulfilment of human rights.  

To register for this workshop, please fill in this form as soon as possible. 
