AFRODAD takes note of the fact that during IMF/WB Spring Meeting in April 2023, IMF/WB convened a Global Sovereign Debt Roundtable (“the Roundtable” or GSDR). Indeed, AFRODAD believe that the fundamental need for global debt restructuring is long overdue, and the time is ripe now for African countries to be considered as major players in debt restructuring processes. Currently, half of African countries are facing difficulties in fulfilling their debt repayments with eight of these countries regarded to be in debt distress. It must be noted that by end of the year 2022, Sub-Sahara Africa’s total external debt stock was estimated at $702.4 billion compared to $380.9 billion in 2011 showing almost twice fold of debt increment in the continent. Over the years, debt has had a negative effect on the continent’s financial security with most countries channeling extra amount of money to repay debts and interest instead of expanding service deliveries including health, education, and clean energy.