26 October 2023

Domestication of the Public Financial Management Model Law and Merits of Establishing an African Debt Monitoring Mechanism (ADMM)

AFRODAD is partnering with the FES AU Cooperation Office and engaging the African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation (APNIFFT) to facilitate the parliamentarians to:

  1. Borrow good practices from the SADC PFM Model Law in strengthening legislative oversight with regard to Public Debt management across Africa. In addition, to raise the awareness of African parliamentarians, on the public debt and public finance management model laws.
  2. Evaluate and document the goals of the African Debt Monitoring Mechanism and its benefits to African economies in curbing illicit financial flows (IFFs) and promoting effective domestic resource mobilization in African countries (as a response to the public debt problem)
  3. Reflect and provide feedback, as well as chart the political process for the realization of the African Debt Monitoring Mechanism (ADMM).