Dissertation Research Placement

Aurore SOKPOH is a postgraduate student at the University of Edinburgh. As part of her Master in Africa and International Development, she has started a placement with AFRODAD to carry out her dissertation research. The dissertation will look at the impact of debt on social policy. She has worked as a Junior Economist at France Invest, the French Private Equity Association in France. She served as an intern at ADE (Analysis for Economic Decisions), a Belgian consulting and advisory company, supporting several policy and programme evaluations commanded by various international institutions. As a Research Assistant Intern at the Research Institute for Development in France (IRD), she worked on modelling the impact of investment on the labour market.

She holds a Certificate in Data, Economics, and Development Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MITx); a master’s degree in Development Economics and a Double Bachelor in Economics and Law, both from the University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne (France).